Thor Is Locked In My Garage! (2014) - Plot & Excerpts
The Sign of the Trickster 7. The Sign of the TricksterThe torrent of snow engulfed walls and tombstones, casting spumes of ice into the air at every impact. Ahead of them was the steep bank of snow piled up against the outer wall.“Go! Go!” yelled Thor, waving them on. “I’ll get the skis!”Greg, Lewis and Susie jumped at the snowy bank, digging their feet in and clawing their way up. As they climbed, Thor grabbed the skis and hurled them two at a time high over their heads.When he reached the top of the bank, Lewis turned, panting, to see the tidal wave of white flooding the cathedral. It overtook Thor as he was scrambling up after them and when it hit he was completely engulfed.A flurry of flakes gusted over them as the snow crashed against the wall like a wave smashing into a rock.“Sven!” cried Susie. “Are you okay?”“Don’t tell me he’s buried again!” Greg exclaimed.“It’s still not my fault!” Lewis protested.Feverishly scanning the sea of snow, he saw a hand sticking out.
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