Three women meet at their fifteen-year class reunion...and discover that their lives have taken unexpected directions.Back in their college days, Gretchen Wise had been engaged to a top law student. Carol Furness, head cheerleader, had said yes to the school�s football hero. And Maddie Cobain was the girl who�d fallen for a professor.Now the three of them gather around a popular fountain on the college grounds. This fountain was where lovers met, where promises were made...and broken. So it�s fitting that Gretchen, Carol and Maddie sit here to share their stories of betrayal and, yes, revenge. Stories of finding new love...Sometimes the things you don�t plan are the best!�Macomber has a gift for evoking the emotions that are at the heart of the genre�s popularity, and her breezy style keeps the pages turning.� �Publishers Weekly�Exudes Macomber�s classic warmth and gentle humor.� �Library Journal
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