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Read Three Harlan Coben Novels

Three Harlan Coben Novels

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Three Harlan Coben Novels - Plot & Excerpts

She was still in New York City. There was a law against using a cell phone while driving unless it was hands-free, though that had nothing to do with her hesitation. With one hand on the steering wheel, she felt around on the floor of the car. She located the ear attachment, managed to untangle the cord, and jammed the earpiece deep into the canal.
    This was supposed to be safer than using a handheld?
    She turned on the cell phone. Though Grace hadn’t called the number in years, she still had it programmed into the cell. For emergencies, she supposed. Like this one.
    The phone was answered on the first ring.
    No name. No hello. No company greeting.
    “This is Grace Lawson.”
    The wait was not long. First Grace heard the static and then, “Grace?”
    “Hello, Mr.

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