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Read To Ride The Wind (2010)

To Ride The Wind (2010)

Online Book

4.22 of 5 Votes: 2
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140503999X (ISBN13: 9781405039994)
pan macmillan australia

To Ride The Wind (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

I started reading this book without realising that it was the second in a series so it was always going to suffer from "second book in a series syndrome" where the character development happens in book one and the conclusion happens in book three so book two is merely a plod through the tale. Therefore I will try to review this book with this in mind.The author has created a fascinating group of characters and I was disappointed that the writing was not really up to conveying the richness of the characters lives. Some of the story is set in the European battlefields of WWI and, for mine, the author was able to apply better writing skills in taking the reader to the muddy trenches and battle lines. Unfortunately, too often I was struck with the improbability of certain lines of dialogue or a particular scenario that was either contrived or just silly. (example the seconding of an Australian Airman in the Middle East to fly a special unauthorised mission).I would like to read more of the ongoing tale of the characters of the book but when faced with the prospect of more of the same I feel that following on to read more by this author is a low priority.

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