Instead of familiar servants lining the drive poised to wish her well, their faces beaming with happy, expectant grins, there was complete silence as the coach rattled down the long drive. Instead of an eager husband clutching her hand in support as she approached her new home, Faith sat alone in the carriage, with only her nerves for company. Griffin had ridden on horseback the entire way home, refusing to abandon his mount even when a light drizzle had started. At first she was glad to be spared his tight stares and accusing glances, but as the miles ticked away Faith began to feel sad and lonely without him. She remembered fondly the days before their wedding, when Griffin would come to Merry’s house intent on amusing them both. His boyish charm and wicked sense of humor brightened every afternoon. Would she ever see that side of him again? The carriage halted. Faith fleetingly hoped it would be Griffin’s hand that reached in to assist her from the vehicle, but instead it was a white-gloved footman’s.