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Read Tomorrow: La Rinascita (2012)

Tomorrow: La rinascita (2012)

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Harlequin Mondadori, Harmony BlueNocturne 70

Tomorrow: La Rinascita (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Several elements of the Aftertime series by Sophie Littlefield elevate the books far above standard dystopian/post-apocalyptic literature: 1. Beautiful, gorgeous, lyrical prose 2. Interesting, complex, complicated three dimensional characters 3. Plausible, unique setting -- bio terrorism has ended the world as we know it and created "Beaters" (mindless zombie-like creatures) 4. Interesting plot. In Rebirth, the second full-length story in the series, recovering alcoholic Cass leaves the Box. Cass is definitely a flawed heroine, her own worst enemy, and I found myself frustrated with her. Accordingly, for me, the story was much less satisfying than previous stories in the series. Despite this, it is still an interesting, beautifully written story. The world is gorgeously described, the plot is interesting and believable, and the characters are full of depth. I am already looking forward to the final story in the series! This is the Aftertime. California is a wasteland and winter is approaching.Four months before, Cass awoke in a place she didn't know, recovering from a beating she didn't remember. Her daughter had been taken by the Convent. And she was alone.Now, Cass has gotten her daughter, Ruthie, and most of her memory back. They have taken shelter with other survivors of the Siege. But flesh-eating Beaters are everywhere, Ruthie has stopped speaking, and Smoke, Cass's love and strength, is off on a quest for vengeance against the Rebuilders.p>When the leader of the survivalist community learns that his daughter has been taken by the Rebuilders, he vows to get her back. And Cass, with nothing left for her now that Smoke is gone, packs up her daughter and insists on going with him.Suddenly, Cass finds herself deeply involved with two men and an organization that has vowed, by any means necessary, to ensure the rebirth of humanity.*****This is the fascinating story of one woman, trying to create a normal life in an extremely abnormal world.There is no doubt that this is the second book in a series, although I didn't know that in the beginning. Consequently, when I first started reading, I kept feeling that I was missing something. That there was something I should know or understand, but simply wasn't getting.Once Cass, Ruthie, and Dor leave to find his daughter, and some details from the previous book are shared, my confusion cleared and it was easy to lose myself in the remaining chapters. The author paints word pictures that carry her readers into the Aftertime, with all of its sites, scents, and dangers. A very exciting journey - that I highly recommend.Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary electronic galley of this book from the publisher through professional readers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

What do You think about Tomorrow: La Rinascita (2012)?

I am so enjoying this series! I can't wait for the 3rd one to come out!

Decent post-apocalyptic zombie novel.

A satisfying sequel to Aftertime!

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