During Deep Cove Days it definitely feels that way, as people who were born and raised here make the trek home from Ontario, Alberta and even farther afield. Many of them have been gone for a long time and have raised families and made lives for themselves elsewhere, but they still flock home in droves every year at the end of July to hang out with family and old friends. Things always kick off with a parade on Monday morning. Shamus and Johnny will be marching with the Scottish Pipes and Drums band, so Mom and Dad cancel morning rehearsal, even though we’re scheduled to play in the park in the evening. I meet up with Sandy and Bert downtown, and we push through the crowds gathering on Main Street until we find a place to stand and watch the parade. It takes awhile because I keep running into people I know, and everyone wants to tell me how cool it is that we’re going to be playing with Vince Beach. “Jeez, Neil,” says Bert. “You’re an even bigger celebrity than usual.” “Whatever,”