After the romantic dinner followed by someone else’s engagement ring on the dessert tray, I was upset. Yes, John had proposed, but I still didn’t have a ring and he’d stopped offering to take me to look so I was wondering if he’d changed his mind. Then he’d mentioned that the ring was completely wrong for us and I had to agree. We hadn’t been to The Scene in a long time since most of what we needed was at the house and we didn’t play in public often; however, there was something incredibly sexy about being there that only added to our time together. I still couldn’t believe he’d given me an actual collar and claimed me as his own forever in the BDSM world. It was beautiful from what I’d seen of it, and I could feel the large pearl hanging down from the front which completely fit us. Sadly, even though I’d completely enjoyed the evening, I was ready for a shower and bed. I highly doubted after everything I’d be getting the ring I so craved anytime soon.