Adventures of some post-apocalyptic superheroes18 August 2012tThere are two problems with me mentioning what happened in this book and it has something to do with having read it a while ago and wanting to actually put the book out of my mind. What I can say is that the book continues from where the last book finished where the main Christian characters decide to form some elite commando group called the Tribulation Force to go and tell as many people the gospel of Jesus as possible. A noble idea and something that we should consider doing ourselves, except that while the gospel should be first and foremost in our lives, we should learn to balance our relationships with others so that we do not drive them away with them thinking that we are fundamentalist jerks.tI have known people that base their relationships purely on their success of sharing the gospel with others. A friend of mine once said that he met somebody in his university course whom he became friends with however as soon as this person discovered he was a Christian, she no longer wanted to have anything to do with him, and this person was a Christian. Others make friends and immediately launch into a gospel presentation, and when that person rejects the presentation, they simply dump that person and move on to a new person. I can understand some of the reasoning of the second person (though not the first) however I have always preferred to develop the friendship alongside my love of Christ so that while they know that I am a Christian, they can also see my Christianity in action and respond appropriately. I have had rabidly anti-Christians come to me and tell me that I am one of the best Christians that they have known, and with that, I feel that my role in their understanding of the gospel has been successful. Remember, sharing our faith does not come down to runs on the board, but rather our living relationships with others, both Christian and non-Christian.tNow, I will speak about the idea of pre-millennialism. This is the theory that there is a period in the future (usually the near future) in which all Christians will be taken from the Earth (the rapture) which will herald in a period known as the last days, or the Tribulation. During this period things will go from bad to very bad, namely because the moderating force of Christianity is no longer present. This period usually lasts for seven years, at which time Christ will return and rule for 1000 years. At the end of that thousand years the final battle between God and Satan will be fought with God being the ultimate victor. tI used to subscribe to this idea, but not any more as I feel that there are a number of problems with this theology. First of all, where do all the bad people go for the millenium? They suggest that they are still present, only they are under the authority of God no matter how much they hate it. The second is that there is a focus on the rapture that could happen at any time, so we need to be prepared. Graeme Goldsworthy supports my view on this in that whatever the idea of the rapture, we must remember that we could die at anytime, and the fact that I could walk out onto High Street and get hit by a bus sort of makes the idea of the rapture a moot point. Yes, the rapture could occur, but then so could my cold blooded murder. I think we need to be aware of the fact that we all die more than the belief that all Christians could suddenly vanish. If that is the case, at least we get a second chance. There is no second chance where death is involved.tAnother problem is Jesus' warnings about calculating times and dates. He specifically says that we should avoid trying to pinpoint a time when he is coming. As he says, he will come like a thief in the night, suddenly and unexpected, and that we should actually avoid those people that try to tell us when he is coming, or even pointing to events and saying that these events say that he is coming soon. Of course he is coming soon, he told us that when he was on Earth, and he has been coming soon for the last two thousand years. Time to God is not time to us. God is patient, and to God a thousand years is a day and a day is a thousand years. We should be aware, just like death, Jesus could come at anytime, and there is no actual event that will signal this, beyond his death and resurrection.tIt is also interesting that in one of the epistles (I cannot remember which one) we are warned against focusing on times and dates as it is distracting. It seems that even as far back as the early church people were caught up with times and dates, whether it be when he would return, or the exact age of the church, or whether God created the world in a literal or figurative seven days. We are told that this is not only irrelevant, it is also very distracting. It takes us away from the centrality of Christ's death and resurrection, and gets us caught up in fringe arguments that have nothing to do with our salvation.
SPOILERS...because there's no getting past them! 1) Rayford and Chloe: Yeah, their father/daughter relationship was hard to believe. Maybe having both lost the same people that would bring them even closer. I can see where it could happen. They only have each other. Okay. 2) Chloe and Buck: I loved this couple from the start. Their first encounter, before either were believers in Left Behind, was the best I've seen them together. There was a lot of conflict and misunderstanding, and then they are dating but...okay...I know they are both new Christians, but I thought the fact that it took months to get to the first kiss...people aren't going to believe that. I think, if we're getting real...couples after the Rapture are still going to struggle with temptation with getting physical. I think that could have been added. All in all, I do like them together. And let's, again, be honest...this is a Christian fiction, written by two men who are Christians...they are not going to put intense scenes in this just to make it more interesting. That's not the point of this series. Stick with the main story. The Tribulation.3) Bruce and the Trib Force: I love the group of supporting believers that have come together. Their time of prayer and commitment and bible reading really inspires me to do the same. I do think there is a little arrogance to think that those four were the center of the believer groups across the globe. But's fiction and the story is about them specifically as main characters. So, okay, we'll go with it! I loved all the new characters that are introduced, again! More are added to the group, and the action escalates in this one, which is why I like it better than the first. The end left you really hanging! Great job! Can't wait for the third one.
What do You think about Tribulation Force (1997)?
The many left who include Bruce, Rayford, Chloe and Buck Williams have all become believers in Jesus Christ. That does not stop a man in slowly prominent power named Nicolae from making the biggest decision in the world on this end of the life. He will sign a treaty that will make the United States a peaceful nation and unite with the world. Many non-believers see this as hope but the false joy brings something Bruce Barnes knows too well. He knows the truth; the rapture had happened and the ones left behind must find a way to go on. . . so can this somehow be the actual event that leads to an actual end of the world?Did any of that grab you with what currently is going on politically?Well onto something else. The second in the series after "Left Behind" is such a great chapter for the books (sophomore entry. The books endlessly went on a little too long after that in my opinion). Believers here are wanting people to know Jesus as much as they can serve and help others. . .but they dread one thing. If this event to have USA unite with every other country does not go through. . it will happen anyway as an inevitabilty. It will happen later if not sooner.--It is a great story and I love little parts in the beginning dealing with the feud with two of the characters who start to love each other. That section and during where the father gleefully plays around and makes his daughter confront the other are fun to read. Also the great tension involving Nicolae and Rayford is using a bug and hearing the enemy's ideas and actions in secret. . . as he is just feet away on the plane and at any moment could get caught were great. Those are such tense, memorable scenes alone.A great entertaining read. A must for those who loved the first one.
Li o primeiro, que gostei bastante. No primeiro livro acontece um momento retratado na Bíblia, o arrebatamento, onde desaparecem as crianças e adultos crentes a Deus. Por outro lado temos uma figura que se destaca com a sua influência dizendo defender a paz no Mundo, Nicolae Carpathia. E temos, claro, os nosso heróis, um piloto aéreo, a sua filha, um repórter famoso e um crente na Bíblia, que os vai influenciar à crença.Neste segundo livro os nossos heróis têm já a clara noção de quem pode ser Carpathia. Refugiam-se na religião, em Deus, e é aí que procuram o consolo e respostas para combater o mal, crendo eles figurado em Carpathia. Juntam-se portanto num grupo, Comando Tribulação, preparando-se para os tempos vindouros, que não se adivinham mesmo nada fáceis.Do outro lado Carpathia continua com o seu charme pacificador, conseguindo tudo o que quer, afirmando que é para a paz mundial, levando os países a entregarem o seu armamento, tornando-se dono da comunicação social e de tudo o que lhe convir.No decorrer da trama dois dos heróis são impelidos a aceitar cargos sobre as ordens de Carpathia. Será que os querem? Mas estando nesses cargos não terão aproximação próxima a Carpathia podendo controlá-lo melhor? São dilemas a serem superados.Neste livro denota-se já um caos eminente, com duas crenças, a crença perante Deus, e os crentes de Carpathia. Alguns dizem até que Carpathia é o Messias, os crentes afirmam que o Messias chegou há imenso tempo mas as pessoas não se aperceberam. A corroborar esta crença temos dois sujeitos com poderes sobrenaturais que dizem ser Moisés e Elias, pregando a sua fé em Deus.Está instaurada a luta, bem contra o mal, nas suas diversas formas. Estou a gostar da história, embora a religião não me diga muito, confesso. E quanto há fanatismo ainda pior. Este é o segundo livro duma série de 13. Nunca gostei muito de séries assim, pois nunca sei se vou conseguir ler os livros todos na ordem acertada. E não sei se ao longo dos livros a religião toma proporções exageradas, o que me poderá fazer perder o interesse. Mas para já estou a gostar, e espero continuar a poder ler as façanhas destes personagens.Até ao próximo...
—Filipe Dias
This book is exciting and gives you a lot to think about. As a Christian, I believe that the world will end when Jesus comes again. The authors take scripture and weave it into a believable story to share what happens when that day comes.4 people missed the rapture of the church. They were able to connect with Bruce, a pastor who was also left behind and took advantage of the their second chance to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They become the Tribulation Force. United in study and prayer to share what is going to happen in the next 7 years,2 of the members, Buck Williams and Raymond Steele find themselves working for the Anti Christ. They wonder how they can make a difference. Time is well spent in prayer and Bible study so they will be ready for each event and to share the gospel before it is too late for those they know and love.
—Jennifer Gelert