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Read Trudge: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

Trudge: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Online Book

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Shawn Chesser, via Smashwords

Trudge: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse - Plot & Excerpts

With a determined set of the jaw, Cade grabbed his phone and punched in the numbers to Brook’s cell. A busy signal droned on in his ear. Taking a look at the phones display, he was not surprised to see that there were no new voice mails or text messages. On a whim he tried again to call his wife Brook on her cell, he was relieved to finally at least get her voice mail; he left her a brief disjointed message.
“This is Cade. I am worried about your safety. How is your Dad? He may be infected. Be careful. There is a serious contagion on the loose. It is transferred by saliva contact. The infected seem to go comatose or die and reawaken prone to violence. If anything happens there. If you see any of the infected…leave and get to Fort Bragg and contact Mike Desantos. Call or text me when you get service. I love you two. Give Raven a hug for me, Daddy loves you. Bye.”
Cade had no way of knowing if Brook would be able to access her voice mail or if it would reach her at all. The instructors at Fort Benning always expected their pupils to have a backup plan.

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