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Read Twilight Saga 5 Book Set White Cover (2005)

Twilight Saga 5 Book Set White Cover (2005)

Online Book

4.25 of 5 Votes: 1
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0349001324 (ISBN13: 9780349001326)
Little Brown Hardbacks (A & C)

Twilight Saga 5 Book Set White Cover (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

Although I'm not sure that this is the best written story, it is still a good read. While I find Bella to be such a wimp, and so in need of a man, at such a young age, it is still a beautiful story of love. Such a triangle of love, as young Bella is torn between two men, who wrap her into a world of the supernatural. She's in love with Edward, the vampire, and can't seem to be able to live without him. But, she's also in love with Jacob, the wolf. Though, her love for him isn't like her love for Edward. My biggest grip about this whole saga is the imprinting on a baby. I know that it isn't sexual, in nature, but it still felt wrong to have the story go in that direction. Though, it was the one way to keep Jacob in Bella's life, forever. To allow their friendship to continue, without all the hurt and drama. I have read MANY fanfiction stories, from the Twilight series, and have found several to actually be better written than the original by Stephenie Meyer. Ok, twilight. I read them all and after that gave out my printed books to my friends who are interested in it. Even as a non-native speaker myself, I find it speechless that the Stephenie's had a peculiar love for the word MUMBLE!! Can't count how many times this word popped out and seriously it is very annoying. Bella mumbled, Edward mumbled, nearly everyone mumbled in Twilight. Even my Chinese high school English teacher would say that in writing an article, you should try avoid using the same verb or adj. repetitively.. The reason i give it a two is for acknowledging the fact that I actually finished reading all four of them and listened through the audio book (the word for self-description jumps from young stupid to dumb.. How many irrational things i've done before 20? Exactly). But again, having read some more stupid books, i'll give this collection a break and leaving the one-star to those books i'd rather burn so that they won't even get on anyone shelves.

What do You think about Twilight Saga 5 Book Set White Cover (2005)?

Although I'm not sure that this is the best written story, it is still a good read. While I find Bella to be such a wimp, and so in need of a man, at such a young age, it is still a beautiful story of love. Such a triangle of love, as young Bella is torn between two men, who wrap her into a world of the supernatural. She's in love with Edward, the vampire, and can't seem to be able to live without him. But, she's also in love with Jacob, the wolf. Though, her love for him isn't like her love for Edward. My biggest grip about this whole saga is the imprinting on a baby. I know that it isn't sexual, in nature, but it still felt wrong to have the story go in that direction. Though, it was the one way to keep Jacob in Bella's life, forever. To allow their friendship to continue, without all the hurt and drama. I have read MANY fanfiction stories, from the Twilight series, and have found several to actually be better written than the original by Stephenie Meyer.

My Wife bought this series, after being laid off and money was tight I was running out of books to read. I typically have at least 10 books sitting in my to read pile. Going through that pile very quickly, you get a lot of reading done while looking for work, on the bus, waiting for your interview and rinse repeat.Honestly I found the series weak, the Author fell in love with her characters way to much. I think it is sad when the movie series has to save the book! I felt like she wrote the series for herself then decided to make money off of it.

it was okay, twilight took awhile to read, but the series was pretty good

This series started my love of reading and Stephanie is an amazing author

Piece. Of carp.

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