She had called him and filled him in on what happened and he assured her that he was on his way there to take her home. Celeste was in no condition to drive after all the drinking she and Keisha had been doing for the past hour or so. After the scene Asia had caused in the lobby of Celeste’s job, Celeste had returned to work sick with worry. Thankfully, none of their immediate coworkers had witnessed Asia’s bullshit. Still Celeste was concerned that the whole thing could jeopardize her job and her reputation. She had busied herself with work all afternoon to try to take her mind off of it. Keisha had given Celeste space enough to digest what had occurred. But all day she had been eager to vent about the drama that had unfolded with Rah-lo and his wife. Now that it was after hours and most of their coworkers were gone for the night, Keisha sat with Celeste as she filled her in on her feelings about Rah-lo. “I still love him,” Celeste admitted, downing her third cup of Southern Comfort and lime juice.