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Read Two Serious Ladies (2003)

Two Serious Ladies (2003)

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0720611792 (ISBN13: 9780720611793)
peter owen

Two Serious Ladies (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

I'd read Paul Bowles long ago and vaguely knew his wife wrote but not until I heard Paul Lisicky discuss this one on Book Fight (a literary book-discussion podcast thing run/posted/performed by two grad school friends) was this one on my radar. Turns out it's a well-loved classic, deservedly so. After listening to three writers talk about it for an hour, I had some preconceptions about its apparent irregularity/unconventionality -- and I expected something crazier per the podcast. But it seemed aligned with Salinger's stories of neurotic upper-class/upper-middle-class urbanites. There's the same sort of spiritual anxiety. Think of that surprisingly good-natured intelligent American angst in Franny & Zooey. They're of the same era, peri-WWII, precursors to the Beats. A generation later these serious ladies would explicitly conceive of their restlessness, impulsiveness, and need for freedom from traditional morality/activity as "finding themselves," and they'd be doing it en masse. Other than the stellar insightful sentences, the unpredictable movement, the rampant cleverness that never became cloying for me, the wonderfully dramatized conflicts between thought and action (ie, so often one of the ladies thinks no way she wants to do something and then says of course let's do it), for an American novel published in 1943 this one's a serious literary lighthouse for what once was called Women's Lib. Explicit physical lady love is still mostly under wraps in this and the book prospers thanks to that tension and subsequent attention to tenderness and affection, especially, as Paul Lisicky points out in the above-linked podcast, in the scene when Mrs Cunningham and Pacifica go to a rocky Panamanian beach for a morning swim after staying up all night. What makes this great is that the men also long for liberation, no matter how abrasive or proto-slacker these men might be. Everyone's after their freedom -- Arnold from his parents, Arnold's father from his wife, Andy from his past, Mrs. Cunningham from her depression, Ms Goering from her class. No mention of the war in Europe or the Pacific, interestingly -- not even a suggestion of it? In general, I loved the language, the crazy bits like Belle (the woman without arms or legs), descriptions of interiors of various bars and momentary side characters in Panama, the parallel feelings of elation felt by Cunningham and Goering, parallel suggestions that the ladies suffered some major insult/abuse/tragedy when younger, parallel letters from men trying to rationally explain their feelings, realistic non-melodramatic dramatization of disconnects in general, the fragility of Arnold's borrowed image of a plant trapped in thin ice. Not to mention the weird Javanese parallel, with Ms Gamelon (as in the percussive repetitious music of the Indonesian islands) and the crazy needy half-Irish/half-Javanese girl in Panama. Structurally, I didn't find it so odd. It felt more like a multi-part story than a novel? Anyone familiar with the movements of an attentively written, clever, contemporary short story would be at home here -- there's no overt plot other than sensing and calibrating the characters' spiritual progress and registering/associating thematic resonances (freedom, loneliness, friendship, hope). To say that nothing happens wouldn't make sense since stuff happens and moves the internal/thematic plot forward. Otherwise, certain sections were a bit of a drag for me often thanks to lack of transitions between scenes or not quite being sure who's talking -- lots of short paragraphs and dialogue throughout, with sudden unpredictable movement -- I had to go back and re-read after mini-zoneouts. Also, although I was interested in the characters, it's hard to pull for them (ie, "like" them), in part because, as life is described in the book, they're "medium fair" -- neutral good, not diabolical. They're real: they're selfish and generous, in search of internal peace and external beauty, complicated, acting not always in their best interest, and I guess that's likeable, or maybe I anticipated overindulgence in terms of the freedom quest and a cosmic smackdown for getting their way? Anyway, a great short book I'll try to reread one day since it's the type in which you surely miss so many dimensions and laughs the first time through.

I feel totally comfortable admitting that it was the cover of the new Ecco edition of Two Serious Ladies that initially intrigued me. I knew nothing about Jane Bowles previously, but the premise sounded interesting enough for me to give it a go. And I'm really glad I did. It wasn't until I was halfway through the book that I realized it was written and first published before my parents were even born. Two Serious Ladies was ahead of it's time. The novel follows two acquaintances, the two serious ladies the novel is named for, and their unusual decent from respectable statuses into debauchery. One elects to sell her fine childhood home to live in poverty with a random gathering of new friends who urge her not to but follow nonetheless. The other, while on a trip with her husband, befriends a young prostitute who she comes to adore. Both continue in unusual directions. But what makes the novel so bright is the feeling that they're making all their choices in total earnest and each with their own unique code of ethics. They follow their morals endearingly, until their choices are no longer frustrating to the reader but expected and appreciated. Both may appear from the outside as total train wrecks to their friends from before, but both have gained control of their lives in their own eccentric ways, and it's a delight to read. Though there is darkness in both of their stories, there is also inspiration. Both women push themselves out of necessity to grow and improve upon themselves, and they do it for no one else. Two Serious Ladies is about self discovery and following your own path as you continue to learn. As Christina Goering states at the beginning of the novel: " is against my entire code, but then, I have never even begun to use my code, although I judge everything by it." A quick, but lasting read, Two Serious Ladies is as hilarious as it is profound. (Christina's blunt observations are wonderful and hilarious. So much so that I actually took up my nasty habit of highlighting just so I could be sure to never forget some bits.)Recommended.

What do You think about Two Serious Ladies (2003)?

“I’m unhappy,” she said.“Again?” asked Mr. Copperfield. “What is there to be unhappy about now?”“ I feel so lost and so far away and so frightened.”Do we really need another unfulfilled-women-reach-breaking-point-and-self-destruct story? Don’t ask me – I happen to adore those. But this little gem from Mrs. Paul Bowles is not your cookie cutter crisis tale. Something inside these Two Serious Ladies has severely cracked and we’re along for the ride. These oddball seekers are a little fancy and a little artsy, and they embark on a series of bizarre and impulsive actions amongst a cast of quirky and almost equally weird husbands and roommates and strangers. There’s an overwhelming sense of “oh, fuck off” at play here; to hell with the world, these Serious Ladies said. To hell with you all, Jane Bowles seemed to be snarling.The more I read, the more my heart sank with the knowledge that this was Jane Bowles’s sole novel. Her writing spoke to me. She created a completely unexpected atmosphere of suspense and confusion and her story was unpredictable, darkly humorous, and quietly gloomy. This seemed to be her biting commentary of the social constraints that she must’ve felt as a bi but mostly gay woman married to a bi but mostly gay man (who happens to be one of my favorite writers). I was ready to adore this book; and I absolutely did. “True enough,” said Mrs. Copperfield, bringing her fist down on the table and looking very mean. “I have gone to pieces, which is a thing I’ve wanted to do for years. I know I am as guilty as I can be, but I have my happiness, which I guard like a wolf, and I have authority now and a certain amount of daring, which, if you remember correctly, I never had before.” What is a ‘normal’ life? Can happiness only be obtained through living an arbitrary existence? These ladies are longing for an authentic life, free from the ordinary and the expected. But what about sadness? What about that dark, brooding place inside? These roadblocks mean our ladies are perhaps doomed, but they’re going to go down fighting (and drinking).“Darling,” she said, “something terrible has happened to that woman, I feel it in my heart. Please don’t be bad-tempered with her.”Also, this book is really funny. Funny-sad, funny-strange. “Well, lady,” he said to her, “are you an artist too?”“No,” said Miss Goering. “I wanted to be a religious leader when I was young and now I just reside in my house and try not to be too unhappy.”There’s something unsettling about this book because it’s easy to imagine that breaking-point isn’t as far off as we’d like to think. These women may have become impulsive and reckless, but they were not entirely nonsensical. They didn’t completely lose it and maybe that’s what’s so scary. It’s not that far outside the realm of possibility to leave a husband, or sell a house, to wander around aimlessly and strike up random conversations, spend all your money, or heck, even to move in with a Panamanian teenage prostitute. Right?

Two Serious Ladies: Jane Bowles.tIt is a great loss to literature that due to illness, both physical and psychological, that Two Serious Ladies represents the only full-length work produced by Jane Bowles. Only from this novel and a slim collection of short stories, " Everything is nice", in particular, can it be surmised what might have resulted from her long residence in Morocco and the relationships that she formed there. It can only be speculated as to what a mine and minefield such work might have been for critical theorists from a broad spectrum of disciplines.tThe characters in Two Serious Ladies inhabit a shadowy borderland between the probable and the possible... it is unlikely that an uninvited caller at an address, with only the most tenuous connection with the owner, should take up residence there the following day. Improbable but not impossible, Mrs. Bowles, in creating her strange and unnerving world never extends beyond the realms of reality. tBoth Mrs. Copperfield and Miss Goering seem to form and discontinue relationships in a decidedly arbitrary manner. They appear to be victims of hangers-on being buoyed along by the flow of the current. But careful analysis reveals that they are, in fact, making all the significant decisions. They are not unwitting passengers in the drunken boat they are at the helm.tBowles seems to create the impression that the ladies are in some way vulnerable, a sense of underlying threat pervades the text which erupts... breaks through the surface tension, in minor injuries, whether accidental or intentional. tThey don't lead normal lives but that is precisely because they are not normal. Ordinary people are burdened with the necessity of having to earn a living or are reliant on others to support them whereas the ladies are both financially independent. "After all, it's mostly my money," she (Mrs. Copperfield) said to herself. "I'm footing the bulk of the expenditure for this trip.". When Miss Goering perfunctorily decides to abandon her former home, with her erstwhile housemates still in residence. They make a request for financial assistance to find alternative accommodation. This elicits the ambivalent response... "No, no, that is not necessary. Is there anything more that is new?". Necessary? It certainly seems more necessary for the abandoned Miss Gamelon but Miss Goering has already moved off on another tangential shift and agreed to take up with a man who has mistaken her for a prostitute. He in turn discards her with as a little consideration as she herself seems to show to others.tUnfortunately, Jane Bowles has been as underrated as she has been overlooked. The world she portrays with its random connections and the changes of direction is strangely portentous of our own age where people meet total strangers on the internet and arbitrarily abandon their settled lives to pursue them. Although this strangeness should not come as too much of a surprise... originality is, by its nature, strange.
—David Corvine

"It wasn't exactly in order to have a good time that I came out. I have more or less forced myself to, simply because I despise going out in the night-time alone and prefer not to leave my own house. However, it has come to such a point that I am forcing myself to make these little excursions." – Miss GoeringTwo Serious Ladies was an absorbing literary train wreck that I just couldn't avert my eyes from! I was reminded of why I loved the documentary series Grey Gardens and The Beales of Grey Gardens. It's not like I can rightly explain why it's a huge favorite of mine, or why the two eccentric women at the center of the nonexistent plot steal my heart with each viewing. Questions that follow each viewing include: what is the definition of "normal" or of a "conventional" life? Christina Goering and Frieda Copperfield are two women desperate to live their lives devoid of fear despite their restrictive roles in society. Throughout a momentous year, Miss Goering pursues asceticism in hopes of reaching sainthood, and Mrs. Copperfield chooses to take the reigns of her life back from the hands of her overbearing husband. In the process, the women meet a slew of shady hangers-on and degenerates. Equally hilarious and grotesque, I had a wonderful time reading this little book. Bowles has a unique way of writing; what she chose to share and omit really created an element of suspense and mystery. Esthetically, I am so in love with my copy of this book, published by Ecco Books. I'm kind of a typography geek, and I loved the typeface used throughout the book. Check out the page numbers! The cover art, designed by Suet Yee Chong, is also awesome eye candy as well; it definitely reflects Bowles's avant garde style. This edition included an introduction by Claire Messud, author of The Woman Upstairs. I usually skip introductions, but in this case I found it so fascinating, and I was glad I chose to read it after I finished the book. Messud sheds light on Bowles's personal life, and her disappointment with the mixed reception of her work. Overall a great read; I'm sure I'll glean much more with further readings.

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