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Read Unchained: A Biker Erotic Romance

Unchained: A Biker Erotic Romance

Online Book

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E-Book Publishing World

Unchained: A Biker Erotic Romance - Plot & Excerpts

They’re back in town, she thought to herself, Daddy’s going to be upset.
      She glanced at the clock at her bedside. It was past seven. Time she should be up anyway, since she was supposed to be in the office by eight-thirty. As she got out of bed, she glanced at herself in the mirror above her dresser. Her dark auburn hair was sleep-tousled, but still hung to her shoulders in deep waves. Even without lipstick, her red lips stood out against her pale skin.
      Red was her color, even if she rarely had the opportunity to wear it. This morning, as she examined herself in the mirror, she was wearing the red satin baby-doll nightie she’d purchased last summer while on a trip to Dallas with her father. He’d thought she was waiting patiently for him to get out of his meeting, but in fact she had hurried to a local boutique for her illicit purchase.
      Raina was her father’s “personal assistant.” Her job description was very vague.

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