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Read Undead And Unworthy

Undead and Unworthy

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Undead And Unworthy - Plot & Excerpts

After Wendy's, we'd ended up going back to the mansion and telling him and Tina what had happened. It was the first night of the full moon; Antonia was running around somewhere on all fours. Garrett had probably gone with her.
Jessica was visiting Marc at his new digs at The Grand, and I hoped he'd be able to come home soon. Things weren't the same without him. Besides, people disappearing out of our house brought back bad memories of last summer, when I was all alone.
Shoot, I even missed BabyJon's shitty diapers.
"Which part is strange?" Nick said dryly, bringing me back to my consideration of Sinclair's comment. "The part about my receiving a call and being sent to a bad neighborhood on what might have been a phony tip? The part where a Fiend just happened to run into us? Or the part where your wife's sister pulled a fucking flame brand out of thin air and killed said Fiend, before threatening to do the same thing to me?" Hearing that Laura had threatened the officer didn't seem to perturb Sinclair one bit.

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