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Read Under Locke (2000)

Under Locke (2000)

Online Book

4.17 of 5 Votes: 1
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Under Locke (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The book was long and slow but it was so worth it. The evolution of Iris & Dex was so damn sweet. I loved that the emotions and such were there before the actual sex. The slow build made me care about the couple and care about what happens and made me route for them. The story's conflict was a bit anticlimactic but again the love story of these two made it worth it. This wasn't a gritty biker story the biker aspect was kind of a side note. Story 3.75narrator 3 Difficult review to write.When I came across this book it had loads of reviews, I checked out several and they were all good so I dived straight in and I have to admit that I struggled at first, well not just at first I struggled a lot, this book managed to be both annoying and addictive at the same time. I wanted to stop reading it on lots of occasions but I just couldn't.I loved Dex, the more of this book I read the more I loved him as well as Sonny, Blake, Slim and most of the other characters, the story was interesting and no matter how many times I tried I just couldn't stop reading.So what was the problem? In a word Iris, she was everything I hate in a female character and I felt mean for not liking her she's been through so much and I can understand why she's like she is but the fact is this is a romance and for a romance to work for me I have to not only like both the main characters but actually want them to be together and while I could argue that I liked Dex enough to carry this book for most of it I struggled with Iris.I'm not going to rant, no really I'm not but seriously what on earth was going on with Iris, I'm not even going to attempt to list all the things that annoyed me about her and I can honestly say if I'd known what she was going to be like beforehand I wouldn't have read this book. Ok, you know I'm going to list some of the things that annoyed me, the crying or wanting to cry at every moment, and the decisions, she made more stupid decisions in this book than any other female character I've ever come across, plus she knows Dex hates liars yet not only does she outright lie but she lies by omission as well and don't get me started on backbone I just couldn't get my head round her at all every time I tried to like her she went and did or said something stupid, and I feel mean, I do.This was also a relatively long book, too long if I'm being honest, it dragged in places and positively stalled in others, and while it seemed to drag at times we were left with lots of unanswered questions, I'm assuming it must be first in a new series.This is a gentle MC book it's not raw and gritty which isn't necessarily a bad thing, variety is good, it's worth mentioning that it must be nearly 70% in before there's any sex and my first feeling on finishing the book was that it could have been better but I read to the end and enjoyed parts of it so I'm giving 3 stars which I feel is fair.

What do You think about Under Locke (2000)?

I don't give a lot of 5 star reviews, but this might be my favorite book of the year!!

Long!!!!!! But sooooo awesome love DeX

omg i freaking LOVED this book

4 1/2 stars


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