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Read Unmerited Favor: Depending On Jesus For Every Success In Your Life (2010)

Unmerited Favor: Depending on Jesus for every success in your life (2010)

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4.58 of 5 Votes: 2
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1599799391 (ISBN13: 9781599799391)
Charisma House

Unmerited Favor: Depending On Jesus For Every Success In Your Life (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This book was pretty good. It is definitely one of the better popular Christian books out there. Prince preaches, for the most part, from the finished work of the cross. However, there was a little bit of doo doo in there. We aren't blessed by believing, we experience blessing because we are blessed. However, if you don't believe you may not see what you already have. He also seems to like penal substitution and I noticed a bit of covering theology and a pinch of pseudo evangelical Calvinism thrown in there. But on the whole it was certainly much better than most popular Christian books. God's grace is w holistic and we are blessed in all areas of life. But that doesn't mean we should expect the American dream. We are blessed so we can bless others. I'm sure Prince believes that, but a lot of the examples he uses are individualistic. He also rightly differentiates from worldly and godly success but then seems to measure success by the same worldly standards that he just rejected. But anyways, that is really a minor point. The main point is that we have unmerited favor, and that is true.Would I recommend this book? Personally, I wouldn't, but if God leads me to I would. It may take some baby steps for people to accept the full revelation of the finished work and the grace that God has lavished on us. There is such excellent, word-based truths in this book. It is most assuredly a book that is profitable for every true believer to have in their collection and reference often. By citing scriptures to study and meditate on, this book helps believers to further understand their standing with their Father through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. This book further lays out truths and exercies, backed up eith the Word, that will aid believers in a closer walk with God. I cannot recommend it hihhly enough!

What do You think about Unmerited Favor: Depending On Jesus For Every Success In Your Life (2010)?

What good news! Bottom line: Jesus loves me, this I KNOW!Simple heart of the gospel.

I love this.. a book filled with favor and i never realised it was all for me.

this Book helped me know how am deeply loved by God.

Wow i can't get enough of the gospel of Grace

Grace! His new wine!

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