Had the Major really been out with Chamberlain? What was going on? They were related, weren’t they? She’s the Queen’s niece. He’s the High Admiral’s son. Had Reymont really tried to attack them? “What’s the status on that Blade, Tank?” Zafar walks up behind the deck hand. “Sir?” Tank jumps. “The Blade.” “Oh, sorry sir, still working on the fuel line, a couple more hours,” Tank reports. “No more than that, I want that Blade fully operational by 1200.” “Sir, yes sir.” Tank just stands there, looking at him. Lucas raises an eyebrow. “Problem, Tank?” “No sir, it’ll be ready by 1200.” Tank turns getting back to work. Lucas looks around the deck as he walks back to his office. It’d been like that all day, people jumping, giving him strange looks.