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Read Vollgas (2014)

Vollgas (2014)

Online Book

3.65 of 5 Votes: 3
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Heyne Verlag

Vollgas (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

A novella by Stephen King and his son Joe Hill, about a biker gang led, appropriately, also by a father-son duo. The short story describes the group being chased by a crazed trucker. It was a quick easy read, and I suppose for its length it was a good story but not enough transpired nor enough of the typical King/Hill horror, to leave me satisfied. I expected a crazier ending, or even a cliffhanger where we'd wonder if a full novel would be coming. Overall, a quick okay read--good choice for a day at the beach or pool. Ooooh! Goosebumps. I had forgotten how good Stephen King is. Needed this jolt to get back to the good old vintage King-style horror. This is basically the father-son duo paying homage to the great Richard Matheson's classic "Duel" - in a face-off between a "tribe" of bikers and a faceless trucker out on the deserted Highways of Nevada desert. It's a nail-biting, thrilling, adrenaline-pumping sort of dynamite story that creeps up inside of your skin and gets your heart-beat thumping for most parts. After a sedate start where King sets up his wonderful characters - going more than just skin-deep on the history - then revving it up to set up a deadly confrontation. For once though, I was happy with the ending. It kicked ass. thumped it and blew it up. Loved this little shit-kicker of a story. Go Joe-Hill-Stephen-King duo. Now I really have to check the NOAS420 !!

What do You think about Vollgas (2014)?

Great short story. Reminded me of the movie with Dennis Weaver movie "Duel".

This is the first of Joe Hill's work I have read. It's very good!

I have definitely read better. Can't say I would recommend it.

Good for a short story. Hope his other books are as good.


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