This time around, it wasn’t one person who jumpstarted the campaign; hundreds of people were intrigued by our non-traditional platform and contributed to the cause. Matt Groening and his staff wrote Beth and me into a Simpsons episode seen by millions.68 Jon Stewart and I had a spirited conversation on The Daily Show. Historian Howard Zinn met us at several locations and spoke to the crowds about third-party candidates throughout history. That’s not to say Bono wasn’t crucial to our campaign. When he suggested Larryfest2, I jumped at the chance. Normally a project that size would take several months or years to plan, but with our posse of volunteers and Bono’s clout, we set it up in the same field in Maine, this time Memorial Day weekend instead of Fourth of July. Janine was in heaven. She lined up the perfect mix of artists, running the spectrum from alternative to mainstream. And it wasn’t only the acts she brought her creativity to; her ideas for the campsites and food stalls were equally inventive.