Waiter To The Rich And Shameless: Confessions Of A Five-Star Beverly Hills Server - Plot & Excerpts
We get raging fires, strong Santa Ana winds, fog, and days so beautiful they make you ache to be outside. Early mornings are beautiful; the pewter gray fog drapes itself over the hills, folding down into the shallow valleys, and giving the whole metroplex an other-worldly look. I've lived all over and there's no place like LA. Guess that's why I've stayed so long. And lest you think I'm just a sentimental pussy, let me assure you the availability of gorgeous women and the uninhibited party lifestyle don't hurt. You won't see Jens and me on a Chamber of Commerce poster, however. Just keeping it real. What Vegas is to gambling, LA is to beautiful and/or talented people. And it’s been that way since the early days of the movie industry, when The Cricket Room got its name. Way back in the 1930s, there were mostly rolling green fields in Beverly Hills and only a few buildings to mar the otherwise pristine landscape. Across the street from the pastel stucco Mediterranean-inspired edifice was a large park and a cricket pitch.
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