Several people knocked on her door throughout the evening, but she’d told them all to leave her be. Her mom tried too, but she’d told her she was fine and just wanted to be alone. Alone. That was the last thing she really wanted. What she did want was to be wrapped up in every delicious inch of Chris Michaels. But that pain-in-the-ass wolf wouldn’t allow it, especially after she’d chickened out the first time. He kept repeating that her wolf would be able to help her find a mate. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. It was almost as if he was using it as a mantra to keep from jumping her bones. She knew he wanted her. It was obvious in the way he stared, smiled, and ogled her every time they were in close proximity. And damn if he didn’t wrap his big strong arms around her every chance he got. Fuck the rules. She was quite sure her wolfly persona was just as hooked on Chris as she was. The dreams had been a little murky, but they’d all been about him. And what was this shit about Chase biting her?