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Read War Against The Mafia (2014)

War Against the Mafia (2014)

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open road media mystery & thriller

War Against The Mafia (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

"Πόλεμος εναντίον της Μαφίας", εκδόσεις Άγκυρα.Πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς Ο Εκτελεστής που διαβάζω, αλλά δεύτερο του Ντον Πέντλετον, μετά από ένα αστυνομικό μυθιστόρημα με τον τίτλο Μπάτσος για νοίκιασμα, που είχα διαβάσει το 2010 και που δεν μου είχε φανεί κάτι το ιδιαίτερο. Ο Εκτελεστής είναι, φυσικά, ο Μακ Μπόλαν, λοχίας του αμερικανικού στρατού, που έχει φάει με τα κουτάλια τα πεδία μάχης στο Βιετνάμ. Όμως μια μέρα μαθαίνει τα δυσάρεστα: Η μητέρα του, ο πατέρας του και η μικρή του αδελφή, σκοτώθηκαν. Ο πατέρας του χρώσταγε λεφτά σε επικίνδυνους ανθρώπους οι οποίοι, φυσικά, τον πίεζαν για να επιστρέψει τα χρήματα πίσω, με τόκο. Μια μέρα, σύμφωνα πάντα με την μαρτυρία του μικρού αδελφού του Μπόλαν που επέζησε, ο πατέρας τρελάθηκε, σκότωσε την γυναίκα του και την κόρη του και έπειτα αυτοκτόνησε. Ο Μπόλαν μόλις το έμαθε, γύρισε στην πατρίδα και άμεσα κήρυξε έναν πόλεμο στους ηθικούς αυτουργούς της δολοφονίας-αυτοκτονίας, την Μαφία. Βέβαια, αφορμή έψαχνε ο Μπόλαν για να κηρύξει έναν πόλεμο στους κακούς αυτού του κόσμου... Η πλοκή δεν αντέχει πολλή κριτική, αλλά το βιβλίο είναι απολαυστικό γι'αυτό που είναι, δηλαδή ένα παλπ περιπετειώδες μυθιστόρημα με αμείωτη δράση και ένταση και με μπόλικες δυνατές σκηνές βίας. Η ατμόσφαιρα εξαιρετική, μου θύμισε αυτές τις περιπετειώδεις αστυνομικές ταινίες της δεκαετίας του '70. Η γραφή καλή, με ωραίες περιγραφές και ρεαλιστικούς διαλόγους, αλλά φυσικά σε παλπ επίπεδα. Οι χαρακτήρες δίχως βάθος αλλά αυτό είναι λογικό. Για τους φαν του είδους, σίγουρα το βιβλίο προτείνεται.

This is not a new book or series. The books in this series are not new to me but I had never read any of them. They were a favorite of my older brother while growing up.This book and series is a testament to the fact that a great story, strong characters, and great writing are truly timeless.I love that this series is now available digitally for all of us thriller fans and for all the new readers that will be able to enjoy it.Mack Bolan is the character who stars in the series that created a new genre in the book categories. The thriller.He is in the army and deployed in Vietnam as a sniper and earning his moniker The Executioner. While he is away fighting a war, back home his father, a proud man falls on hard times and is forced to make a deal that change the Bolan family forever. When conditions of the deal are not kept up, Mack's sister steps in behind the scenes to help setting in motions an act of murder and retribution, like nothing Pittsfield has ever seen.It isn't long after the return of The Executioner until the Mafia experiences an attack and three men are gunned down. The cops know who's responsible, they just can't prove it.Mack believes in keeping your enemy’s close and so, joins up with the very Mafia group he's gunning to destroy.Mack lives by a moral code. A code that the wicked get punished and when the law can't or won't punish those that destroyed his family then he more than willing to visit the vigilante justice need to take down an organization that thinks, and maybe above the law.

What do You think about War Against The Mafia (2014)?

Ok, we all have skeletons in our closets...maybe these are some of mine. Actually the ones of these written by Pendelton himself aren't bad adventure stories, if they happen to be the type you like. I didn't read nearly all the Pendelton books, but did recently pick up one of the later ones written by Harliquin who bought the rights to the series...I couldn't finish it and took it straight to my favorite used book store (which takes trades) to foist off on someone else. Before I went in the army back in the early 70s I read several of these books. Being a shooter/gun enthusiast Pendelton's detailed account of the weapons used (something i'm sure drove some people away from the books) I found very interesting. Aside from that the stories were adrenaline charged violent thrill rides and that's all that young men need sometimes.If you want a good fast exciting read find the early Executioner books. As a point of interest I read that Marvel acknowledged that "some" inspiration for The Punisher came from The Executioner as did "some" for DCs The Vigilante.
—Mike (the Paladin)

Em 1968 os E.U.A. enfrentavam o maior desafio à sua autoridade mundial: a guerra no Vietnam. Ainda sem saberem o caminho que a guerra tomaria, o inconsciente coletivo americano se baseava na dualidade bem/mal, sendo este conceito aplicado cotidianamente pelo cidadão comum. Não seria diferente, nem poderia, a concepção psicológica adotada para o personagem Mack Bolan, ex-combatente dos vietnamitas que se vê obrigado, por sua moral de soldado, a enfrentar o mal em sua terra natal antes de tentar extirpá-lo do resto do mundo.Criativamente, o autor trama uma história que hoje pode parecer ingênua em vários de seus pontos-chave, mas bastante crível se considerarmos a mentalidade cultural da época. Pairava o romantismo do século XIX na mentalidade do homem contemporâneo e ainda havia resquícios da honra medieval na sociedade de então. Assim, Don Pendleton, em um trabalho de pesquisa acurada, constrói o enredo sobre factualidades táticas e procedimentais então em uso na guerra, formando o fundo realístico da obra.O autor também é capaz de eventualmente se distanciar do pensamento das personagens, ficando claro que as justificativas das ações das mesmas residem em suas próprias histórias e são guiadas por suas próprias consciências, sem grandes considerações éticas. Sob esse ponto de vista, o Executor pode ser encarado como neurótico de guerra, que vê a vida apenas como luta pela sobrevivência, onde só os fortes permanecem. Não deixa de ser um estereótipo americano...

The Executioner, War Against the Mafia by Don Pendleton is the first book of a lengthy series of "serial"novels from my younger years. I am excited to see these books possibly coming to the digital age for a new round of readers to get engrossed in. I voraciously read these books when I was younger but could never find this one in paperback, so I had never read it. If this is your first in this series of books, never fear, they get better, with less down time. I received this book from the publisher in exchange for this review. Highly recommended for those who like pretty much non stop action and can suspend reality for a few hours to read this book.

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