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Read What Love Sees (1988)

What Love Sees (1988)

Online Book

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0770108849 (ISBN13: 9780770108847)
paperjacks; rosetta books

What Love Sees (1988) - Plot & Excerpts

A wealthy New England blind woman escaped the shelter of her overprotective family to marry a poor blind rancher in a remote California mountain town, and gets the jolt of reality she'd been longing for. There's more to learning to ride western than just horses, and it has to do with seeing eye bulls, a cabin so small she constantly crashes into her grand piano shipped from home, four elusive children she can't see to feed or care for, and a husband who expects perfection, prays on horseback, makes adobe bricks to build her a proper house, drives a jalopy truck with his seven-year-old son on his lap--and won't ever admit to being blind.

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