On the heels of Steve Monteg’s announcement that he would be running as Mr. Caplet’s opponent in the upcoming mayoral election, Mr. Caplet received word that his brother and former campaign manager, Paul Caplet, would be supporting Mr. Monteg’s candidacy. The two brothers have been close up until this point, and it’s unclear what made Paul Caplet flip. Paul Caplet is a professor at the local college whom many anticipate has his own political aspirations. When asked about his endorsement, the professor replied, “Steve Monteg is the right man for our town and our state. I put my full trust and faith in his powers of leadership.” Len finishes reading and sits back in his chair. Students are starting to file into the lab, picking up their assignments and taking their seats. Neither one of us moves. “I don’t get it,” I say. “People do strange things for power,” Len says. “Not my dad. You don’t know him. He’s a teacher.” Len nods. “I understand,” he says.