Where The Broken Heart Still Beats - Plot & Excerpts
Papa has joined Col. Clark's regiment and leaves tomorrow. For the past two weeks, since Papa made his decision to fight for the Confederacy (although at forty years of age he would not have been conscripted), we have all been quite busy making his uniform—ginning, carding, spinning, dyeing, and weaving the cloth before we begin to cut and sew. Martha, Mama, Cynthia Ann, and I took turns, shifting from one task to another, working night and day with little rest. Even Sarah takes her turn now. A bleak and cheerless Christmas it was. But at last we finished, and my father looks very handsome in his new outfit. Were it not for the sadness that accompanies his departure, I should be quite proud of him. With Papa gone, there will be only Ben and Grandfather to keep the farm going, and we all do our best to make up for the privations we suffer. I did miss having sugar in my tea, but now we have no tea, so missing the sugar will no longer be important. Martha feels that life is most unfair, for she has seen a husband off to war and now a father, and therefore judges her suffering to be twice as great as anyone else's.
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