Twilight bathed the apple trees. “In the last few days, I’m sure we’ve searched every nook and cranny of the state of Washington. But no little sister. It’s like she’s simply vanished off the face of the Earth. “Yep.” Brody knew exactly what Jason was going to say before he said it, and silently mouthed the words along with his twin brother. “When I find that gal, I’m gonna tan her hide so she can’t sit for a whole week.” Brody paused. Most folks would have thought Jason was done with his little speech. Nope. Not yet. “Naw. A whole month is better.” “Now are you finished?” Brody asked, scratching his head and yawning. One look at the kitchen told him their supper would have to be a simple affair, since soiled dishes were stacked high wherever he cared to look. Good thing he didn’t need to make a phone call. The phone book was under a stack of soup dishes leaning at a crazy angle towards the wall.
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