I wrote much of it several years ago for students who desired to practice Wicca but couldn’t gain entrance to a coven. There is certainly nothing secret here, nor am I borrowing from other traditions except in the most general ways. I’m limiting my remarks, notes, and comments on this Book of Shadows. If you have questions while reading these rituals, or while working them, settle them as best you can. Unfamiliar words and terms can be checked in the glossary. Please remember that this is simply one Book of Shadows. There are countless others, each with both strong and weak points. Some of these have been printed, in part or in their entirety (see bibliography). This is not, I repeat, not sacred writ, nor does it consist of revealed writings. I’ve written it in a somewhat romantic, baroque style, hoping that this will spark your imagination. Remember, the Book of Shadows isn’t changeless. Feel free to alter anything for any reason, or use this Book of Shadows as a pattern to construct your own.