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Read Wife With Amnesia (2013)

Wife With Amnesia (2013)

Online Book

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HarperCollins Publishers

Wife With Amnesia (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

a very pregnant Maggie Gallagher Reed told Claire the following Sunday afternoon as the shower guests began to depart. “I just love it and so will Daniel or Daniela,” she said, patting her protruding tummy.
“You’re welcome, and so is my niece or nephew,” Claire replied, and attempted to return the other woman’s hug—no small feat considering Maggie’s basketball-size belly stood between them. “But the truth is I had a hard time stopping myself from buying out the store. There were so many adorable things, Maggie. And I wanted them all!”
“Don’t I know it. Dan swears I’ve already bought enough stuff to open my own baby store. And now all of this.” Laughing she gestured to the pile of boxes, baby clothes, toys and gifts stacked in and around the playpen sporting a bright yellow bow. “He may be right.”
“Well, if you do open a shop, you can count on me as a customer.”
Maggie’s eyes, so like her brother’s, widened. “Claire, do you mean that you and Matt have decided—”

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