I said to Tullah and Jofranka. It was getting like I had a pair of hounds.The two of them had arrived with their report as Jen was leaving. They were both nervous, but Jofranka’s anxiety had an edge to it. Her eyes slid past me, before she steeled herself and brought them back. I glanced at Tullah and a tiny nod confirmed it.I wondered how that conversation had gone: So, Jo, thing is, I’m a witch and our boss is a vampire.I was running on trust here; I trusted Tullah who trusted Jofranka. My Athanate side was twitchy with worry. Not for the first time, I wondered about the wisdom of this. What would happen if Jofranka started babbling to people about the paranormal? It wasn’t that Altau weren’t capable of coming in and fixing things, it was the fallout from that; the damage to Jofranka from having her memories suppressed. And it’d kill any chance of my living anything like a normal life in Denver stone dead. I’d be carted off to Haven and prevented from leaving the grounds.