Wide leaves obscured her view. Spiderwebs caught on her skin, netting her face. Insects used her as a landing zone before vaulting into the dark abyss. It had to be the dead of night, but it felt like the sun was high overhead. Cash marched them toward the shack, and with each step, she made a list of things she’d say to Colby. The list started with don’t get hurt again, and ended with let’s find a shower. Together. One more step and Cash cleared the shrubbery, holding back a large branch for her. She slipped into the clearing. A huge beam of relief surfaced. This horror story was over, and all she wanted to do was crawl into Colby’s arms to sleep. Less than a dozen yards away, that stupid shack stood waiting for her return. But this time, she wouldn’t be alone. Amber light shined between the slats and glowed at the front opening. Pure joy energized her faster than a red-eye latte. She’d seriously have to re-evaluate what made her happy when she was back on American soil. Shitty shacks shouldn’t make her so giddy.