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Read Wish You Were Here

Wish You Were Here

Online Book

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HarperCollins Publishers Limited

Wish You Were Here - Plot & Excerpts

There were so many thoughts skydiving in her head but the one that wouldn’t let go was perhaps the silliest.
I’ve been skinny-dipping with a married man!
She stopped for a moment and closed her eyes in horror. She wasn’t the sort of woman to do such a thing and it filled her with dismay that Milo had put her in that position. What sort of a man would do that? But she knew what sort – the good-looking, charming sort of man who knew he could get any woman he wanted under any circumstances and she had gone and fallen for him.
Or maybe he wasn’t married at all, she thought. That was a definite possibility but one thing was certain – he was a family man. She hadn’t bothered to stay and see if he had the washing of six children to hang out but any number of children meant that he had lied to her. He had hidden the truth in order to get his own way and that was unforgivable.
She walked on towards the village but didn’t stop to wait for the bus. It wasn’t due for another hour and she was so mad that she couldn’t bear to wait for it and so began the long walk back to Kintos.

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