He described the vandalism inside the house and reported the Maxima as stolen. “I’m sorry, what year did you say the car was manufactured?” The 911 operator sounded unsure of herself. “Jesus Christ, it’s a 2011.” “. . . 2011,” she said steadily. “Sir, is everything all right?” “No, everything is not all right,” he snapped. “How could it possibly be all right? I told you, someone was in my house. Someone may still be in my house. And my car has been stolen. How does that sound all right?” Jeanie made eyes at him. Dad, cool it. He took a breath and tried to take it down a notch. “Sorry, I’m just . . . I’m freaking out. Are you sending someone or what?” “An officer will be out shortly to take a statement and file a report.” “What about the people?” “The people, sir?” The connection was bad.