Wonder Never (The Fairytale Diaries #2) - Plot & Excerpts
He could make himself invisible to others if he so chose as part of his awful enchantment. In such, his quest was somewhat simplified. But, oh, what a dastardly quest it was. Once, he'd been regular. He'd had a mother and a father who were respected members of Wondernever society. He'd been a young lad of eight years known as Pierre Damien. They'd shared a fantastical home deep in the Wondernever woods. He'd been just a boy then, a very basic boy. And still, he lived in that same home, practically a palace, hidden in the mist and the trees. But outside of his own awful presence, it was devoid of any signs of life. There was not a soul to keep him company, save the devilish bats flapping in the trees outside. For his parents had long since been murdered and the servants all turned into furnishings by the wicked curse. Despite the ghastliness of him, thinking of the curse still brought him to tears as though he was still that same child.
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