I was so enthralled with the Ghost and the Goth that I had to go out and borrow the next two books from the library to read them. Alas, I didn't find this nearly as charming as the first volume. There was still a lot of good interaction between Will and Alona - the highpoint of both volumes for me. But it seemed to me that there were a number of plot threads that got overwhelmed, or simply forgotten. Don't read beyond this point unless you're willing to read spoilers.Even more disappointing, Ms. Kade also took us from having Will's ghost whispering ability being a unique family trait - to being something that is common enough to have a secret society using that ability to fight ghosts. At which point my suspension of disbelief starts to crumble. Genuine communication with ghosts would not be something that could be kept quiet - not without more power and influence being involved in the suppression than was shown through this book. More to the point, the way in which Alona takes over Lily's body is beyond bothersome. To be fair, Alona, herself, is very clear she's not comfortable with what has happened and she never meant it to be a permanent situation. In spite of that, and some signs of anger on Will's part, the fusion of Lily's body and Alona into one is accepted far, far too easily for me to be comfortable with. Especially annoying was that the whole reason Alona was willing to borrow Lily's body in the first place, was to be able to unequivocally express her disappointment with both her parents for seeming to write her out of their lives. Once Alona is in Lily's body - this plan gets ditched with nary a 'goodbye.' While I don't expect it to have been nearly as important as the other consequences of Alona/Lily's fusion - it would have been more satisfying for me if Alona had permanently stepped back from that plan - and explained why she wouldn't be contacting her parents after all. Similarly, while there is a moment when Will realizes that his only choices are to either find a way to evict Alona from Lily's body, and doom both to death or disappearance, or accept the situation, there was no moment when he faced that and all the implications it brought with it. It's obvious that is going to be driving part of the plot of Body and Soul, but it would have been more satisfying for me had this volume made it clear that that was still an open issue both protagonists were going to have to face. Udah ketauaaaan bakalan jadi siapa si hantu bitchy ini nantinya. well, dari awal sudah nebak juga sih. Alona 'terpeleset' ke dalam tubuh Lily yang koma. Lily ini (dulunya) sahabat Will. Ketika The Order berusaha untuk mengeluarkan arwahnya, ternyata Alona dan Lily tidak bisa dipisahkan satu sama lain. Tubuh Lily tidak akan bertahan tanpa energy yang diberikan jiwa Alona, begitupun sebaliknya, Alona akan hilang perlahan tanpa tubuh Lily. Alona menyadari Lily yang sedang sekarat akhirnya memutuskan untuk kembali ke tubuh Lily. Nah si William juga bagai simalakama nih, dia gak suka sebenarnya Alona 'meminjam' tubuh Lily, namun di satu sisi, dia juga gak bisa kehilangan Alona.. hmm..
What do You think about Zamilované Duše (2013)?
I like both Will and Alona but I can't say I'm a fan of the whole Lily situation