Zoolarious Animal Jokes For Kids - Plot & Excerpts
Q: Where do ants like to eat? A: At a restaur-ant. Q: What do alligators drink after they work out? A: Gator-ade. Q: What do a mouse and a wheel have in common? A: They both squeak. Q: What do frogs use so they can see better? A: Frog-lights. Q: Why can’t you trust a pig? A: It will always squeal on you. Q: What kind of dog cries the most? A: A Chi-wah-wah (Chihuahua). Q: Where do birds invest their money? A: In the stork market (stock market). Q: Why can’t you borrow money from a canary? A: Because they’re so cheep (cheap). Q: What happened to the bee after he had four cups of coffee? A: He got a buzz.
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