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Read Zusje (2010)

Zusje (2010)

Online Book

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9022565335 (ISBN13: 9789022565339)

Zusje (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Така ... Първо, да си кажа, че не очаквах много от тази книга, започвайки я бях решила, че ще си почина от други по-натоварващи и замислящи четива. Смятах, че започвам поредния булеварден роман, който ако не друго, поне ще ме разсейва и ще си почивам с него.Тъкмо обратното - напрягаше ме, замисляше ме и ме натъжаваше с всяка страница. Като изключим леката баналност на тематиката за ненарушимата връзка между сестри, книгата е пълна с тези, които са много на място,а интересният начин на предаване на историята - като писмо до сестра, до приятелката, с която не сте се чували отдавна, беше затрогващ.Не мога да кажа, че сюжетът беше непредсказуем, имаше си своите слабости, но главната цел - да разчувства, да накара човек да съпреживява и да размисля, е постигната. Историята на две сестри, коренно различни и същевременно еднакви по същността си, нещата които ги обединяват и свързват и тези, които ги разделят - описани и анализирани до болка, тоталното разголване и излагане на показ на съкровени чувства, са главното в този роман. Вик за помощ и едновременно начин за спасение. Трудно затворих последната страница, насълзиха ми се очите, макар да не мога да отнеса историята до себе си - нямам сестра и не съм преживяла целият ужас на мисълта, че си отхвърлен и изоставен. Страхът от това, че си сам. Страх, който е обект на експеримент. Прочетете книгата, дайте й шанс. Може пък и да се спасите! Want an amazing and heartfelt story to read, one that takes you on and into a journey of the true meaning of sisterhood, where age-gaps and different personalities don’t change a thing. They say the bond of sisters is unimaginable and unbreakable and that no matter what happens they will always stand by one another despite their up’s and downs and their heated arguments or as the book Sister by Rosamund Lupton calls them “discussions”. Sister is the first book by Rosamund Lupton and after reading it, I know that it will be hugely successful and that if she continues to write her novels in the same tradition as Sister, then it won’t be too long before she becomes a household name. Rosamund Lupton has already been described by the publishers as a mixture between Alice Sebold, author of the popular book “The Lovely Bones” and Sophie Hannah, author of “The Wrong Mother”. Both are authors that I have read everything ever written by them both. However, after reading Sister I would have thought appropriate to compare her as award-winning author Jodi Picoult meets Paullina Simons. Thus because it had the feel of Jodi Picoult’s legal side and family values and it read a lot like Paullina Simons books “The Girl in Times Square and Red Leaves”.Sister by Rosamund Lupton is an emotional and at times chilling tale of a sister’s disappearance and the events surrounding that lead up to her untimely death. Days after Tess – Beatrice’s little sister goes missing, she receives a phone call from her mother saying that her sister hasn’t turned up. Bee hops on the next flight home, hoping to hear positive news. What she does find is that her sister has turned up dead face down in the snow. Her death is ruled as a simple suicide, but Bee knows that her sister would not have committed suicide. We read as Bee starts to piece together the life of Tess, which will open many doors and prove to be a difficult time for Bee as she starts discovering things her sister had hidden from her. Of course, the real cause of Tess’s death is out there and as Bee starts to close in, things start to get edgy as Bee finds herself in true danger and if she’s not careful, then she too may meet her untimely death. Sister is a novel that will keep you hanging on to the edge of your seat and once you pick it up , you won’t want to put down until you have reached the very last page and then you will be sitting there grasping for more . Thank goodness, the author has included a Reader’s discussion guide and a quick sneak peek into her new novel “Afterwards” – One book that is definitely going on my must-read list

What do You think about Zusje (2010)?

Captivating, a little depressing but told well and from an unusual perspective.

At times I found the story pace slow and plodding; but well written otherwise.

Een who dunnit die ook nog eens heel mooi geschreven is. Heerlijk boek

I enjoyed reading this book and it kept me guessing until the end.

Disappointing ending and didn't live up to the hype.

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