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Alicia Scott books

Alicia Scott
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Read Books by Alicia Scott


MacNamara's Woman (2013)

I have to say that I really liked Macnamara's Woman much more than the first one in the series, Maggie's Man. The major reason was that neither main character annoyed me. Tamara is in Sedona to try to find the truth about the accident that killed her family and her boyfriend and left her with y...

MacNamara's Woman (2013) by Alicia Scott

At the Midnight Hour (1995)

A CHILD'S KEEPERElizabeth Guiness had her work cut out for her. Her precocious young charge quoted morbid statistics twenty-four hours a day, desperately seeking just one ounce of his father's affection. But brilliant scientist Richard Keaton seemed incapable of love -- specially after the murder...

At the Midnight Hour (1995) by Alicia Scott

The One Worth Waiting For (1996)

An unspoken promise from years before was all Suzanne Montgomery had to get her through the hard times. But get through them she did, because she knew it was only a matter of time until Garret Guiness walked back into her life. And now Garret was back on her doorstep - though he didn't exactly ...

The One Worth Waiting For (1996) by Alicia Scott

Marrying Mike...Again

Koontz was driving, his hands gripping the steering wheel abnormally tight. In the tiny space of the automobile, yesterday’s argument loomed as a large gulf between them. Mike didn’t know how to bridge that gap, or if he was supposed to even try.They turned into the parking lot of the junior high...

Marrying Mike...Again by Alicia Scott

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