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Read MacNamara's Woman (2013)

MacNamara's Woman (2013)

Online Book

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0451465555 (ISBN13: 9780451465559)

MacNamara's Woman (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I have to say that I really liked Macnamara's Woman much more than the first one in the series, Maggie's Man. The major reason was that neither main character annoyed me. Tamara is in Sedona to try to find the truth about the accident that killed her family and her boyfriend and left her with years of surgeries and physical therapy. The problem is that she is convinced the hit and run car was driven by a Senator. She just needs proof.I felt for Tamara. She had no one to help her recover. She has had to rely on herself for many years. She has also never dealt with the pain of her loss or with the PTSD from being a survivor. C.J. was just the man she needed. I loved him and how he was so smitten from the beginning. I was really hoping Tamara would be able to open herself up to love. The mystery was really good as well. The truth of what happened that night was heartbreaking. I was also surprised because I was going in a completely different direction.There are also some hints as to what Max, C.J.'s father was into before he died. I can't wait to read the final book. Brandon's Bride. I find reading this author's early work to be interesting, but I like her newer mysteries much better. This one wasn't bad, but I wanted more interaction between the siblings. There were a couple of calls with Brandon, but Maggie was no where to be seen.I felt sorry for Tamara, for what she went through and how it affected her life. I did like that CJ was there for her from the start, loved that he new she was it for him, but knew it would scare him away, so he took things slow. My heart was breaking for Tamara at the end, she found out what happened, but the knowledge came at a great price.

What do You think about MacNamara's Woman (2013)?

Enjoyable even though I figured out who did it before the ending.

Quick read--but read like a trashy, predictable novel.

LIKED it. Will read other two books in the series

it was ok


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