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Read At The Midnight Hour (1995)

At the Midnight Hour (1995)

Online Book

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0373076584 (ISBN13: 9780373076581)

At The Midnight Hour (1995) - Plot & Excerpts

A CHILD'S KEEPERElizabeth Guiness had her work cut out for her. Her precocious young charge quoted morbid statistics twenty-four hours a day, desperately seeking just one ounce of his father's affection. But brilliant scientist Richard Keaton seemed incapable of love -- specially after the murder that had left Andrew motherless Richard the prime suspect ....Though everyone believed Richard to be guilty Liz knew she couldn't blindly trust either the rumors or her attraction to her intensely private employer. But she was hell-bent on unlocking his heart's demons and reuniting his fractured family--until she realized that getting involved just might get her killed ....THE GUINESS GANG: Four brothers and a sister -- though miles separated them, they would always be a family.

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