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Anne Calhoun books

Anne Calhoun
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Read Books by Anne Calhoun


Il tocco delle sue mani (2012)

3.5 StarsIn the end, this was a decent, short read. The author does most of the character development at the middle and the end. I'm glad I didn't put the book down after the first few pages. The beginning of the story had me rolling my eyes, since I didn't have any real insight into the chara...

Il tocco delle sue mani (2012) by Anne Calhoun

Uncommon Pleasure (2013)

I love Anne Calhoun's writing. Ty and Lauren were my favorite of the two novellas in this book. I really loved Ty's struggle and him fighting so hard to resist any connections. I prefer my heroes to be growly and completely insane at the thought of any other man even thinking of touching their wo...

Uncommon Pleasure (2013) by Anne Calhoun

Versed in Desire (2011)

Great story! Personally, I love the writings of Ms. Calhoun and this one did not disappoint. Why not 5 stars? Well, I liked the story, the characters, the setting, the plot, etc. I just didn't fall head over heels in love with it. Yes, it is a Spice Brief story, but of course I want MORE! M...

Versed in Desire (2011) by Anne Calhoun

Under the Surface

A couple of hours into a crazy Saturday night, Matt told himself the conversation with Eve before Eye Candy opened had netted good information and background details, but he knew already that his plan to take things slow wouldn’t hold up for long. Eve was smart, determined, ran her show like the ...

Under the Surface by Anne Calhoun

Working With Heat

Charlie thought through all the reasons why this was a really bad idea. By the time he was Milla’s age, his ex-wife had burned him to a husk, both personally and professionally. He’d changed everything for her, moved out of the East End, polished up his accent, ignored the way glass called to him...

Working With Heat by Anne Calhoun

What She Needs

on a Saturday and tells me to meet him in the bar at the Embassy Suites, I know two things: he wants to fuck me, and I will let him.     But because he knows my answer even before he calls, I make him wait. A little. I shower, locate my sexy underwear at the back of my drawer,...

What She Needs by Anne Calhoun

Afternoon Delight (2014)

Six feet and at least three inches of tall, brooding blond man leaned against the counter of the Citibank and invited her over. For sex.     Sarah remembered her last long, coherent conversation with Aunt Joan, near the end of her two-year battle with ovarian cancer. It’s not ...

Afternoon Delight (2014) by Anne Calhoun


I walk into the still air of the studio apartment, close the door, twist the dead bolts, the sounds sharp and final. With a flick of the switch next to the door, several table and floor lamps situated around the apartment come on. As I set my purse on the marble-topped table by the door, I treat ...

Transcendent by Anne Calhoun

Breath on Embers

It was the tightly laced corset limiting her air that made her sound so breathless, so little girl-ish, or perhaps the thought of wearing this innocent little outfit with ribbons binding her hands as she obeyed Ronan’s explicit, erotic commands. It was the atmosphere in Idylle, soundless, beautif...

Breath on Embers by Anne Calhoun

Liberating Lacey (2012)

Her beloved house, built by her grandfather for her grandmother as a wedding present, had only one tiny flaw—a detached single-car garage. She often entered the house through the mudroom across the driveway from the garage, but the landscapers had rather effectively blocked that door with an enor...

Liberating Lacey (2012) by Anne Calhoun

The SEAL’s Secret Lover

She found her grandmother in bed, her soft, long silver hair loose around her shoulders, her tablet beside her and her laptop on her lap. “What are you doing?” Rose asked as she rummaged through her bag for her laptop. Please God let the hotel’s WiFi be faster than the one in Cappadocia. “Uploadi...

The SEAL’s Secret Lover by Anne Calhoun

The SEAL's Second Chance: An Alpha Ops Novella

A quick reapplication of lipstick before she got out of the car told her everything she needed to know. Her lips were swollen, her eyes glowing, and Jamie looked like the cat that swallowed the canary as he walked into the Metropolitan Club like he owned the place. People were streaming in, the v...

The SEAL's Second Chance: An Alpha Ops Novella by Anne Calhoun

Uncommon Passion

This book is an original publication of The Berkley Publishing Group. Copyright © 2013 by Anne Calhoun. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of co...

Uncommon Passion by Anne Calhoun

The SEAL's Rebel Librarian

Erin heard each distinct note in a bird’s song, the scrape of metal against concrete as her bike skidded away from her, the thud-bump of her body bouncing over the road, her leathers scudding into the gravel. Between the moment she knew she’d lost control of the bike and the moment she went airbo...

The SEAL's Rebel Librarian by Anne Calhoun

The List

I need to speak to you privately.”     The low murmur lifted the hair on Tilda’s nape and sent a delicate shudder down her spine. She trusted that between the crowd around Sheba and her position in the dim light between spotlights in the Bleecker Street Gallery, no one noticed...

The List by Anne Calhoun

Evening Storm (2015)

He offered to take her bag; she was barely buckled into the backseat before the skids left the cement. They gained speed and distance quickly, the rotors chopping and heaving through the air; the ride smoothed out only slightly as they cleared the storm’s leading edge. When they landed, another m...

Evening Storm (2015) by Anne Calhoun

Under His Hand

Rivulets trickled down her back, merging with the sweat seeping from her pores. Even with the windows open, and a fan oscillating as languidly as a spoon through soup, the temperature on the second floor of her house was hotter than the ambient air outside.     She swiped the ...

Under His Hand by Anne Calhoun


But remembering Lucas’s tanned face and hair-roughened body against her pale pink sheets sent electric heat flashing along her nerves.Really good. Dark and rough and at her disposal in a way she never would have expected. He was constantly in motion, assessing, thinking, analyzing. His gaze stopp...

Jaded by Anne Calhoun

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