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Read The SEAL’s Secret Lover

The SEAL’s Secret Lover

Online Book

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St. Martin’s Press

The SEAL’s Secret Lover - Plot & Excerpts

She found her grandmother in bed, her soft, long silver hair loose around her shoulders, her tablet beside her and her laptop on her lap.
“What are you doing?” Rose asked as she rummaged through her bag for her laptop. Please God let the hotel’s WiFi be faster than the one in Cappadocia.
“Uploading the pictures I took today,” Grannie said absently. “I want to label them as I go, or I’ll forget what I saw.”
Laptop in hand, Rose peered over her shoulder. Grannie was a not bad amateur photographer. The album was labeled “Bucket List—Turkey,” and she was organizing the pictures by date, then by location.
“Nice,” Rose said as Grannie tabbed through the pictures she’d taken. There were several in the caves, and two of Marian disassembling a toilet tank. “She’s so handy.”
“She worked in her father’s garage before she married Tom,” Grannie said.
“I didn’t know that,” Rose said, surprised.
“Ask her about it some time.”
“I’d love to get copies of those.”

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