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Jaded - Plot & Excerpts

But remembering Lucas’s tanned face and hair-roughened body against her pale pink sheets sent electric heat flashing along her nerves.Really good. Dark and rough and at her disposal in a way she never would have expected. He was constantly in motion, assessing, thinking, analyzing. His gaze stopped moving only to take in details, then move on. The spur-of-the-moment suggestion to renovate the bathroom was a case in point. Lucas didn’t like to sit still. Grass didn’t grow under him. She didn’t think he’d have the patience to sit still as stone while she lost herself in his textures and tastes. Stubble against her lips. A trace of salt on his abdomen. The thin skin of his shaft on her tongue.Looks like there was one area in his life where Lucas knew how to slow down.Lucky her.She didn’t feel that she could turn down his request to renovate the kitchen, though. Spending nights and weekends picking out wallpaper or paint and a new vanity with a big tough guy used to getting his way would be a good learning experience, maybe even better than spending nights in his bed.She hauled open the door to the Heirloom Café with a little more force than necessary.

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