Today was a rough day so no judging. I don’t remember his name. Let’s be real, after 5 Cosmos’ that were preceded by one double shot of Hennessey, can you blame me? I am not at fault here. He is. Who do you think bought the Cosmos? I took that double-shot back with vigor and it slammed it on the ...
She knew that the girl wasn’t going to make it out alive, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she could stop what was about to happen, she wouldn’t. As the man started to reach for the pretty young woman, he tripped over a brick at his feet and fell to the ground. “Shit! Cut,” yelled Erin...
He smiled coyly, “to be honest; Oden thought that he might be able to join us if he can finish up at the office early enough.” “Are you kidding me?” She asked, shocked. He looked at her like a wounded puppy, “I am sorry, I thought maybe it would be fun for us all to get to know each other.” “So w...
Natalya asked softly. Rhys looked into her eyes, holding her hands between his and massaging them. They stood before the security checkpoint, just another couple about to part from one another. His heart ached abominably. “My dear,” he said, and leaned in to kiss her, “nothing could prevent me fr...