Today was a rough day so no judging. I don’t remember his name. Let’s be real, after 5 Cosmos’ that were preceded by one double shot of Hennessey, can you blame me? I am not at fault here. He is. Who do you think bought the Cosmos? I took that double-shot back with vigor and it slammed it on the bar. “Rough night?” A voice to my left asked. I couldn’t see in my peripheral view yet, the alcohol was still welling tears in my eyes. In an unattractive and hoarse voice, I said, “You could say that.” “Tell me about it.” Now I’m not sure why I did this. I did not know this man from Adam and I should have been planning my escape but what was the harm in talking to a stranger? I saw none. So I told him my story. I told him the struggle of coming to believe I wasn’t big boned, just a big girl and accepting that. I told him how I had severe trust issues from a mother who thought bulimia was a legit dieting strategy and a spineless father incapable of protecting anyone other than himself from my mother’s words.
What do You think about ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Tiger Tamed (Tiger Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Alpha Male Romance)?