She knew that the girl wasn’t going to make it out alive, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she could stop what was about to happen, she wouldn’t. As the man started to reach for the pretty young woman, he tripped over a brick at his feet and fell to the ground. “Shit! Cut,” yelled Erin, “what the heck Cory? Do you know how to walk or is that a new thing for you? Jesus, do you think we have all night?” “Sorry Miss O’Neil, maybe if I could get a raise?” Cory said. He was joking, of course; he wasn’t getting paid a dime to help his best friend and roommate create her final for film school. None the less, he had to joke with her. She didn’t see the humor in it, though. She was running out of time, and he wasn’t the actor she had wanted for the part. “Sure, I will pay your rent and not kick your butt out in the cold,” she hissed at him. He just laughed at her. She already had her rent paid thanks to a full-ride scholarship. “Alright guys, let's call it a night,”