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Barbara Dunlop books

Barbara Dunlop
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Read Books by Barbara Dunlop


An Unlikely Match (2000)

A fun story. College cheerleader and the classic nerd. Amelia and Morgan get set up by some classic old folks. They are sure that a perfect match can be made. So they find a way to toss them together and see if it works. Morgan has an invitation to his class reunion and Amelia decides to help ou...

An Unlikely Match (2000) by Barbara Dunlop

A Secret Life (2007)

As far as Joan Bateman is concerned, life as she's known it is over. For years she's lived with a dual identity. The people of Indigo know her simply as their neighbor, but to crime-mystery readers, she's the bestselling author Jules Burrell. But once her secret is leaked, the media, her fans and...

A Secret Life (2007) by Barbara Dunlop

Thunderbolt over Texas (Silhouette Desire, #1704) (2006)

TEMPORARY TEXAS VOWSA marriage of convenience is the perfect plan for New York museum curator Sydney Wainsbrook and Texas rancher Cole Erickson. It's a business transaction that will save her career and safeguard his family's traditions.After all, how hard can it be for Sydney to pretend to be in...

Thunderbolt over Texas (Silhouette Desire, #1704) (2006) by Barbara Dunlop

The Billionaire's Bidding (Silhouette Desire, #1793) (2007)

By page 71 I came to like the male protagonist--Alex--less and less. He's overbearing, patronizing, controlling, egotistical, arrogant and chauvenistic. He lacked any charisma towards Emma until they spent more time together. He's disrespectful towards her. At this point, I was thinking that ...

The Billionaire's Bidding (Silhouette Desire, #1793) (2007) by Barbara Dunlop

The Billionaire's Bidding (2007)

Mrs. Nash was taking a strip off a delivery man. Philippe was fussing over the temperature of the butter cream icing. And Katie was running around in a robe, worried about rose petals in the bathwater.Only Emma seemed calm, serene really as she went along the hallway past Hamilton’s portrait.They...

The Billionaire's Bidding (2007) by Barbara Dunlop

A Cowboy in Manhattan

She’d never said anything remotely that bold to a man. She made beeline back to the Jacobs’ table, her emotions vacillating between rattled, embarrassed and just plain annoyed. She was a grown woman. Where did he get off protecting her from herself? As though she wasn’t capable of making up her o...

A Cowboy in Manhattan by Barbara Dunlop

Thunderbolt over Texas (2006)

Cole held the phone to his ear as he watched the dust billow out behind the doctor’s deep-treaded SUV tires. “Hey, Cole,” his sister-in-law answered cheerfully around the whistling of a teakettle. “What’s going on? Where was Sydney last night?” “Can you come down to Grandma’s right away?” “Why?” ...

Thunderbolt over Texas (2006) by Barbara Dunlop

The CEO's Accidental Bride (2011)

“Hey,” he said, coming up behind her. He didn’t ask and didn’t wait for permission before wrapping his arms around her waist, nestling her into the cradle of his body. “Do you think she was happy?” Kaitlin asked. “Yes.” “Did she love your grandfather?” “As far as I could tell.” He hadn’t spent mu...

The CEO's Accidental Bride (2011) by Barbara Dunlop

A Conflict of Interest

Cara used the helmet and a scarf to camouflage her identity as they headed back into town. But it turned out she needn’t have bothered. The town was busy, people focused on repairs to the ski runs and on the final rescue activities. A few fingers pointed at Max when he dismounted and removed his ...

A Conflict of Interest by Barbara Dunlop

Millionaire in a Stetson

He was making a colossal mess of everything. He was supposed to be gaining her trust, not scaring her off with talk of flings in haylofts.“What?” she asked.“I’m sorry,” he began. “I didn’t mean to—”The band went suddenly silent, and the arena plunged into darkness. An instantaneous whoop went up ...

Millionaire in a Stetson by Barbara Dunlop

His Convenient Virgin Bride (2010)

The waiters wore period tuxedoes, and a big band played a jazz tune on a low stage in one corner of the room. On Alec’s arm, Stephanie glittered. Her rich, auburn hair bounced in a halo of tight curls to her bare shoulders. It was pulled back on one side by an elaborate, rhinestone clip, which ma...

His Convenient Virgin Bride (2010) by Barbara Dunlop

His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons)

Crista had vetoed the idea of leaving town again. She was tired of running from her problems.     But Ellie had begged her to reconsider. She reminded Crista that they’d been talking about a girls’ getaway and how it would give her time to think. Then Jackson had added that th...

His Stolen Bride (Chicago Sons) by Barbara Dunlop

An Extraordinary Match (The Match Series Book 3) (2016)

She was soaked to the skin, both from the rain pelting down on them and the waves splashing over the bow, threatening to swamp the little boat. They’d come frighteningly close to capsizing a couple of times. And when Logan turned the canoe over on shore, several gallons of water dumped out, makin...

An Extraordinary Match (The Match Series Book 3) (2016) by Barbara Dunlop

In Bed with the Wrangler (2010)

Royce’s body reacted to the sound of Amber’s voice. He hefted a hay bale onto the stack, positioning it correctly before acknowledging her presence. “Yeah?” He didn’t turn to look at her. It was easier for him to cope if only one of his senses was engaged with her at a time. He only hoped she’d k...

In Bed with the Wrangler (2010) by Barbara Dunlop

A Bargain with the Boss (2016)

Tuck said to Amber as he gazed at the aftermath of the party in the huge, high-ceilinged living room of his family’s home.     Though staff had been ubiquitous throughout, she could see the mansion showed the effects of hosting two hundred people. The midnight buffet was being...

A Bargain with the Boss (2016) by Barbara Dunlop

The Last Cowboy Standing

She hadn’t been crazy about the gray dress, either. She might have mixed emotions about attending Lisa’s wedding. But if she was going to be there, she wanted to help celebrate, not bring anyone down with such a somber color.     She stripped out of her suit and pulled on a kn...

The Last Cowboy Standing by Barbara Dunlop

A Cowboy Comes Home

He’d had his secretary calling moving and storage companies this morning, but they all said they needed an estimate of the volume to be moved and stored. So Caleb had to figure out what to keep and store, and what to sell with the ranch. He couldn’t see the point of keeping the saddles and tack. ...

A Cowboy Comes Home by Barbara Dunlop

An Intimate Bargain (2012)

After she’d lied to her brother Travis this morning about where she was going, she’d promised herself she’d give Zach one day. She’d work fast. She’d work hard. And he’d have everything he needed to apply for his license. Then she’d spend the night in Lyndon, head back to the ranch and forget she...

An Intimate Bargain (2012) by Barbara Dunlop

Billionaire Baby Dilemma (2011)

The man made his points to the judge concisely and eloquently, describing Devin’s bond with Amelia, how Devin had been present during her birth and that Amelia had lived in Devin’s house since coming home from the hospital. He provided testimonial letters from friends and neighbors speaking of De...

Billionaire Baby Dilemma (2011) by Barbara Dunlop

A Cowboy's Temptation

She was told the state had put together a commission to consider new state-wide regulations for rail expansion, and they wanted to hear from her. Marta offered to hold down the fort at Sierra Hotel so Darby could travel to Denver and, hopefully, inspire the state to intervene in the Lyndon Valley...

A Cowboy's Temptation by Barbara Dunlop

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