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Read A Cowboy's Temptation

A Cowboy's Temptation

Online Book

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A Cowboy's Temptation - Plot & Excerpts

She was told the state had put together a commission to consider new state-wide regulations for rail expansion, and they wanted to hear from her. Marta offered to hold down the fort at Sierra Hotel so Darby could travel to Denver and, hopefully, inspire the state to intervene in the Lyndon Valley rail project. It was an unexpected development, but it could easily work in their favor. If the decision was taken out of the town’s hands, they’d definitely have a better chance of success.
    Optimistic, Darby got up at 3:00 a.m. to make a dawn flight out of Lyndon to Denver. Though she got stuck in a middle seat between two large men and in front of a crying baby, she polished her presentation on the way.
    She didn’t have time for breakfast after landing. She was too nervous, anyway. Instead, she rushed to the state capitol building, determined to be on time and impress the members of the committee.
    Shown to a waiting room, she was surprised to find Seth already there.

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