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Colin Thompson books

Colin Thompson
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Read Books by Colin Thompson


How To Live Forever (1998)

Colin Thompson's books are mystical and complex, they will appeal to children and adults alike and demand to be returned to as there is always a new image to see . . . something more to catch the eye. Peter and his family live among the Quinces in the cookery section of a mystical library, and at...

How To Live Forever (1998) by Colin Thompson

Floods 3 (2006)

Using ancient Buddhist Mountain Running And Leaping Skills which Vessel had learnt at his mother’s knee,31 they managed to cover huge distances in mere minutes so that by late afternoon they were having tea and cakes in Shangri-La, and by evening they had reached the Chinese border. Of course, on...

Floods 3 (2006) by Colin Thompson

Playschool (2006)

The thought was: I wish I was anywhere but here.8 Prebender Glorious taught Invisibility and he taught it very badly. He himself had a habit of vanishing without any warning and reappearing just as suddenly.9 It was a talent or curse he had been born with, and he had no control over it. Over the ...

Playschool (2006) by Colin Thompson

The Dragons 3 (2011)

He acted as if he didn’t, but then lying was one of his greatest talents so either could have been true. Tracyvere and Culvert had their suspicions from the way both Mordred’s parents had kept coming over to borrow things, none of which they had ever actually returned unless they had got broken o...

The Dragons 3 (2011) by Colin Thompson


2 And of course you should never compare excitement to a wet fish in a bucket of mud. I have at least three cousins who are nowhere near as exciting as a bucket of mud, even one with no fish in it at all. 3 This was exactly what Winchflat was doing. 4 Skivvytex is a disgusting leather-look plasti...

Survivor by Colin Thompson

Excalibur (2010)

The Cook, of course, was furious, but with the incredible amount of extra work preparing for the coronation, she had no time to try to find the boy. No one at all noticed that Scraper had gone. He had cleaned the fingernails of the Sewer Cleaners while they were asleep and they had been completel...

Excalibur (2010) by Colin Thompson

Floods 5 (2007)

What do you mean, gone?’ said the headmaster. ‘We were, umm, well, briefly distracted,’ said Grusom. ‘And when we stopped being distracted the body had vanished.’ ‘Maybe it just wandered off,’ said the headmaster. ‘Have you checked the grounds?’ ‘It was dead,’ said Avid. ‘How could it wander off?...

Floods 5 (2007) by Colin Thompson

Camelot (2009)

‘Well, I am. I am Spikeweed, King of the Dragons,’ said Spikeweed. ‘As you are forever saying,’ said Primrose. ‘Trouble is, you are also King of the smallest Kingdom of anything, with a total population of five.’ ‘Hey, it’s quality, not quantity, that counts,’ said Spikeweed. ‘Oh yes, of course, ...

Camelot (2009) by Colin Thompson

Floods 10 (2011)

a country that is governed in such a way. the practice or principles of social equality. please note – bacon is exempt. ‘I still think we should do something about this Parliament thing,’ said Mordonna. ‘Why?’ said Nerlin. ‘Everyone seems to be perfectly happy with the way things are.’ ‘True, but...

Floods 10 (2011) by Colin Thompson

Floods 8 (2009)

‘Well, not for a while anyway,’ she said. ‘I’ll keep that to look forward to.’ ‘Been there, done that,’ she said, when people suggested things she might like to do. The trouble was that people kept suggesting boring old lady things. ‘What about embroidery?’ said Mordonna. ‘Or lawn bowls?’ said Ne...

Floods 8 (2009) by Colin Thompson

The Second Forever (2012)

They decided that before going outside the museum, they would confront Peter’s grandfather to try and get as much information out of him as possible. Obviously it wasn’t going to be easy to get the old man to tell them anything, never mind everything. If he had told Peter everything he knew when ...

The Second Forever (2012) by Colin Thompson

Floods 9

Everyone was so busy that no one actually noticed Aubergine Wealth was not around. Even though he had been born there, he didn’t live in Transylvania Waters so no one realised he hadn’t gone home. He had a house in Switzerland that no one was ever invited to visit and that was where he always spe...

Floods 9 by Colin Thompson

Neighbours (2005)

Sometimes they move to another town and sometimes they even move to Patagonia. No one knew if the Dents had any relatives, but if they did, they were never found.22 There was a rumour that, rather than have anyone know they were related to them, their cousins had gone to live in a remote shack hi...

Neighbours (2005) by Colin Thompson

Floods 6 (2008)

‘First of all, I need volunteers to go out and dig up Granny. We can’t possibly go on holiday without her.’ You might think that no one would offer to dig up a dead body, but the children loved their granny and they all rushed out into the garden and began digging. Of course, being a dog, Satanel...

Floods 6 (2008) by Colin Thompson

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