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Daniel Kalla books

Daniel Kalla
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Read Books by Daniel Kalla


Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013)

Interesting to read this second of Kalla's books about WW2, having now read several of David Downing's "Station" books in between. There are many historical threads that enhance some understanding of each other's stories. This is an excellent book, which flows and kept me reading till the end. ...

Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013) by Daniel Kalla

Pandemic (2005)

Genesis of a Plague Right now, in a remote corner of rural China, a farmer and his family are sharing their water supply with their livestock: chickens, ducks, pigs, sheep. They share the same waste-disposal system, too. Bird viruses meet their human counterparts in the bloodstreams of the swin...

Pandemic (2005) by Daniel Kalla

Of Flesh and Blood

She had barely swallowed two bites of her frittata when her chin slumped to her chest and she dozed off in her seat, fork still in hand. Juanita had to practically carry the tiny woman off to her bedroom, which she did with an effortlessness that suggested she had done the same countless times be...

Of Flesh and Blood by Daniel Kalla

The Far Side of the Sky

Six months earlier, Hannah had persuaded her father to join Esther and her at the Ohel Rachel Synagogue for a Saturday Sabbath service. While Franz had initially attended out of obligation, he soon came to look forward to the services. He enjoyed the ambience. The cavernous synagogue, with its ma...

The Far Side of the Sky by Daniel Kalla

Nightfall Over Shanghai (2015)

He couldn’t see anything beyond the early dawn light sifting through the trees, but he knew the fighting must have moved closer to the field hospital. He checked his watch and saw that it was nearly five o’clock. He was accustomed to ignoring hunger pangs, but he craved an espresso. In Vienna, a ...

Nightfall Over Shanghai (2015) by Daniel Kalla

Blood Lies

Fragments of information swirled in my head. Sources were unreliable, leads contradicted each other: Emily exposed Philip Maglio to a lethal sexually transmitted disease; or he was gay. Rick was a dirty cop; or he was just tenacious. Drew Isaacs thought I was Aaron; or he played me for a fool. My...

Blood Lies by Daniel Kalla

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